Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dido got to talk about Text-Man, it's my turn to talk about The Loser

I met The Loser two years ago when I moved here. He went to my church, as did Girl Scout. I didn't know him very well, but I did know that Girl Scout liked him a lot and I was pretty sure he liked her too. I thought they'd make an adorable couple, but I stayed out of it because Girl Scout didn't believe me when I said he liked her. A few months later, they finally told each other they liked each other. This was in January of 2009. Over the next year, I became really good friends with The Loser. It started with nothing but relationship advice-- I'd translate Girl Scout for him, or tell him what he was doing wrong. Occasionally I'd do the same for Girl Scout, and tell her what The Loser meant. It was all very one-sided though... I was clearly on Girl Scout's side in all this. I helped him decide what to get her for Christmas of 2009, and Valentines Day this year, and her birthday this year. But our conversations became less focused on his relationship with Girl Scout and more on... randomness. I went to him for guy advice. I made fun of his hair. I threatened him with death on multiple occasions. He became one of my best friends. I thought of him like a brother. And then one day I realized I didn't.

Suddenly I was in the dumbest situation I'd ever been in. I liked The Loser, who was dating Girl Scout, who was one of my best friends, so I couldn't even sabotage their relationship. How ridiculous is that? Which basically brings me to the present. Girl Scout gets mad sometimes about how much The Loser talks to me, which means I have to reassure her that he loves her, which makes me want to kill myself and punch Girl Scout in the face at the same time. Needless to say, I am now completely on The Loser's side as far as his relationship with Girl Scout goes. Girl Scout kind of can be a bit high-maintenance at times. Also, she doesn't appreciate his sense of humor as she ought, and is always complaining that that they never have serious conversations. This is very strange to me, because I personally think that serious conversations with The Loser are lame, and ridiculous ones are much more entertaining. But I digress.

Anyway. The Loser isn't sure if he wants to be in a relationship with Girl Scout anymore, because of the reasons listed above. He does, however, still like her. Which puts me in an awkward position: I can't tell him to break up with her, because that's stabbing Girl Scout in the back. But I also understand his reasons for not wanting to be in a relationship with her, and that's not just because I happen to like him. I've compromised by dodging the subject completely, which means that instead I talk to him about the battle between his 7 foot monkeys that have been given the awesomeness powers of Morgan Freeman, versus my attack koalas that have been given the seductive powers of Megan Fox.



*Note: I should probably mention that Girl Scout is not actually a Girl Scout. The Loser, however, is a Boy Scout. Blah.
[Dido's Note: I think the only reason their relationship exists and works somewhat is because of you. No kidding. I still think you should go for it!!! Except wait, you're friends with Girl Scout. Maybe don't go for it. Haha.] [Medusa's Note: I'm pretty sure you're right about the first bit. Stupid me. And going for it would be a really bad idea. Haha. *cries*]

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