Monday, July 12, 2010

Hello from Medusa

Dido and I were talking the other day, and decided that since we are going to different colleges this fall on opposite sides of the country, we should jointly write a blog. So hello. Welcome, all you nonexistent readers in Readerland. Prepare to be dazzled and prepare to be confused. You will have no idea what we're talking about, half the time. Well, join the club. Half the time I don't know what we're talking about either.

Here, we will vent about the ridiculous things that happen to us. We will vent about boys, and we will vent about roommates, and we will vent about our own idiocy. We will offer good advice we do not follow. We will tell long stories nobody cares about. We will waste time writing this when we should be writing papers. Names will be changed to protect the innocent.

As I said, welcome to the blog. I did warn you.


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