Saturday, July 17, 2010

Medusa is Freaking Out

Yesterday, as I already said, The Loser guessed that I was dyeing my hair Katy Perry color.

Today, he sent me a random text that said "Jellyfish."

Perhaps I am overreacting, but I am FREAKING OUT. Either he's good at ridiculously creepy coincidences, he can read my mind, or somehow he found this blog.

If, and I sincerely hope it isn't, option 3 is correct, here is a message to him.

Hey Loser. I sincerely hope you never actually read this. Because if you do, you're officially a total creeper. How in the name of Buddha did you find out about this blog, anyway? But I suppose that if you're reading this, you did. Which is a problem. I didn't want you to EVER know I like you that way. In fact, I still don't. But if you're reading this, you know now. Jerk. Anyway, if you receive this message, PLEASE don't let me keep freaking out about this and sending random things that are relevant to it to scare me. If you read this, please, IMMEDIATELY, text me something random involving turtles. Because turtles are awesome, unlike you. Loser. :(


...If it's actually Option 1 and he's good at ridiculous coincidences and he sends a random text about turtles without knowing anything, I swear I am going to spontaneously combust.

So actually, Loser, if you wouldn't mind sending a text AND commenting on this post, that'd be great. KKTHXBAI.

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